A Guide to Receipt Printers: Everything You Need to Know

By Maria Rogerson

June 12, 2024IT Equipment

Receipt printers are essential tools for many businesses, from retail stores and restaurants to service providers. These devices streamline transactions, enhance customer service and ensure accurate record-keeping. By understanding the different types of printers and their features, you can make an informed decision for your business’ needs. So, let’s dive and learn something more about these printers.

Types of Receipt Printers

impact printers
source: gflesch.com

There are several types of high-quality receipt printers based on their characteristics. Each type works differently and is tailored to suit different business settings. Here are some of the most common types present in the market.

Thermal Printers 

These are the most commonly used in business today. They operate by heating special thermal paper, which reacts to the heat to produce text and images. The receipt printers are favoured for their high speed, quiet operation and low maintenance requirements, as they do not require toner. However, they do require special thermal paper and the printed receipts can fade over time, especially when exposed to heat or light. Do receipt printers need ink? This type of printer does not require ink, which makes it a bit low maintenance.

Impact Printers 

Impact printers, also known as dot matrix printers, use a print head that strikers an ink ribbon against the paper to create text and images. These printers are known for their durability and ability to print on multi-part forms, making them ideal for environments where duplicate receipts are necessary, such as banking or providing invoices. While impact printers are reliable and produce long-lasting prints, they operate slowly and noisily compared to thermal ones. 

Features to Consider 

When you decide to buy a printer for your business you need to consider some features so that you can make sure to get the right printer that suits your business needs and aligns with your preferences of a printer. Here are the most important features that you need to consider.


In a fast-paced environment like retail stores and restaurants where rapid transaction processing is essential, printing speed is crucial. Thermal printers generally offer higher speeds, allowing receipts to be printed almost instantly which helps reduce customer wait times and keeps lines moving efficiently, thus also keeping your customers happy.


Modern receipt printers offer various connectivity options to integrate flawlessly with existing point-of-sale systems. UBS connections provide reliable connection while Ethernet allows for the printer to connect to a network, making it accessible to multiple devices. Wi-fi offers wireless connectivity options, providing flexibility in printer placement and the ability to connect to devices over a more extensive range. 


The print resolution of a receipt printer affects the clarity and quality of the printed receipts. Higher-resolution printers produce sharper text and images, enhancing the professionalism of your business. The resolution is measured in dots per inch and for most businesses a resolution of 203 DPI is sufficient, but for those who require more detailed prints higher resolutions are also available. 

Paper Size

The choice of paper size depends on your business requirements and the amount of information you need to include in your receipts. Wider paper allows for more detailed ones, with logos, barcodes and additional information, while narrower paper is more cost-effective and suitable for simpler receipts.

Benefits of Receipt Printers 

thermal printer
source: gflesch.com

Aside from the fact that these printers are necessary to help your business grow, other benefits come along with them. One of those benefits is the enhanced customer experience. What people hate the most is waiting, and having to wait for a receipt to print can be daunting, so getting a printer with high speed can reduce wait times and enhance the overall satisfaction of your clients. Having happy customers means increased traffic which is what essentially all business owners want. 

Accurate and detailed receipts are essential for effective record-keeping. These printers help businesses maintain precise translation records, which are crucial for accounting and inventory management. Printed receipts also provide a tangible record for customers which can be necessary for returns, exchanges and warranty claims.

Depending on the printer you choose, some of them can also be pretty cost-effective due to their low maintenance requirements, such as the thermal printer. Since they don’t use ink or toner, the only expense is the thermal paper. Additionally, the durability and reliability of the printers can reduce the likelihood of frequent repairs and replacements, leading to long-term savings.

You can also use this as a marketing opportunity. Customisable receipts can include your logo, business information and promotional messages. This not only reinforces your brand identity but also provides a direct channel to communicate with customers after the transaction. Receipt printers are indispensable tools for businesses across various industries. 

By understanding the different types of printers and considering essential features such as speed, connectivity and resolution you can select the best printer to meet your specific needs. The benefits that come with these printers extend beyond efficient transactions, they enhance customer experience and improve the traffic in your store. Investing in a high-quality printer is a decision that can improve your business operations and contribute to your overall success.