The size of a handbag definitely matters. As a huge lover of large handbags and a proud owner of more than one, I think that every woman should own at least one such bag in her collection. Why? Besides the fact that they’re big time trendy and very fashionable, a large handbag is a convenient choice for a woman (we’re not men, and we can’t simply leave the house with a wallet, phone and keys, although some women do it).
However, as much as I am a fan of large handbags, for some women it simply isn’t a perfect fit. Despite being trendy and fashionable, a large handbag fits certain body type according to handbag designers and specialists. So, before you start browsing large handbags online, make sure it suits your body.
There are two very easy and simple ways to determine whether you should be looking for large handbags online, or spend your time on looking for something else. The first one is determining your body scale, which is simply measuring your wrist. You can belong to one of these three groups:
- 14 cm or less – small
- 14-16.5 cm – medium
- 16.5 and more – large handbag.
This is only a general guide, and doesn’t have to be followed always. The other way is the optical illusion a bag can create. For instance, if you are tall and big, and want to appear smaller, then you can look for large handbags online. If the case is opposite, and you want to appear bigger, than carry a smaller scale handbag.
Some of these rules, as much as you don’t want to follow them, were created by handbag designers and people that understand proportion and how it affects your overall vision. But since a woman must add a dose of personality into her outfit, exceptions are acceptable. So, when searching for handbags online, if you spot a nice, large handbag that in your mind you’ve already combined with several outfits, don’t dwell much on whether it fits your body scale or if it will make you look slim – go for it.
All in all, I can say that it all comes down to personal preference. Some women just don’t want large handbags and find them hard to maintain and carry. If I have to speak from experience, my large handbag is my loyal companion almost everywhere since I can’t leave the house without the essentials: keys, wallet and phone, my small makeup kit, something for avoiding chilly weather and a small bottle of water; just to name a few items. Of course, I don’t wear it with elegant outfits.
So, to conclude, the size does matter, and it’s something you should look for in a bag according to your personal preferences and whether you like to achieve something with it, like change your overall appearance.