Smoke Detectors: Protect Your Home and Family from Fire

Smoke Detectors: Protect Your Home and Family from Fire

According to research study, 70% of house fire deaths happen in houses without any smoke alarm systems or no functioning smoke alarm systems. Nevertheless, the efficiency of smoke alarm systems can depend upon which one you select, as different kinds are better at spotting specific fires.
led lighting

Important Lighting Tips for a Beautiful & Functional Home

Ask any interior design expert and they will tell you that you need the right lighting if you want your home to have a well-executed design scheme. Great lighting helps to highlight your interior’s best features and increases its functionality. On the other hand, if you fail to get the lighting right, your home will look cheap and unappealing even if you’ve invested millions of dollars in it. So, if you haven’t paid enough attention to this important element, it’s time you learned a thing or two about how to light your home right.

fenix torches

Our Tips for Finding the Right LED Fenix Flashlight

Flashlights have been around for more than a hundred years now and throughout that time there have been numerous improvements. The once flash-only capable units have now become features packed pocket-friendly devices that offer a lot more than just a light source. Manufacturers have been able to provide different types of bulbs but one what seems to stand out recently is the LED variety. A lot of top manufacturers such as Fenix lights offer these kinds of flashlights along with a mix of useful and innovative features. But selecting the right one for your needs requires good understanding of those features.

led downlights

Our Tips for Newlyweds: Things to Invest in & Save Money in the Long Run

You know what they say, sometimes you need to invest in something more pricey and quality to save more money. This is a rule from which newlyweds can benefit a lot, as all the problems start ones the bills start to come, no matter how much we’d like to deny it or not. We’ve all been there. Once the pink cloud passes, reality strikes and shows us how difficult it can be to manage the finances in the house. So, thinking in advance and making wise investments is the first step towards saving money in the long run. Luckily, nowadays, people can invest in an array of cost-effective products that can give them the best of both worlds: quality products and lower bills.

three phase power quality analyzer

Our Tips for 3 Phase Power Quality Analyzers: Upgrading & Common Issues

Power quality and the issues that come with it aren’t just the result of single-phase non-linear loads since there are devices and machines more complicated than your home printer or fax machine. With that being the case, a three-phase power quality meter is the device to have when you need to monitor three-phase power. Moving on from a single to a three-phase meter and using the latter may sound like a challenge but not if you take on the beginning stages with patience and the right information in hand.

Our Tips for Buying Insulation Testers & How to Properly Use Them

Our Tips for Buying Insulation Testers & How to Properly Use Them

Insulation testers are devices that require a lot of technicalities to be considered both when purchasing and using them, which is what makes things so complicated. On the market you can find various low-end insulation resistance testers that have features and specifications similar to those of more industrial models, so you may think that your low-end unit is well-suited to the work you need to do. And maybe it is, but chances are it isn’t, and if that’s the case, you could endure injury, lost time, incomplete testing, and recurrent downtime. As is with most pieces of test equipment, insulation resistance testers require you to do some research before deciding which model to invest in. Here’s a bit of help on the matter.

car wiring

Basics of Car Wiring & Tips on How to Start Working on Your Car’s Electronics

If you’re interested in playing around with your car’s wiring system so that you can learn how the basics work, then you’ve come to the right place. I’ll talk about the very basics of auto electrics, and if most of this is too obvious for you, then you’re probably better off elsewhere reading more advanced guides. Otherwise, stick around and we’ll get right into it.