
Few Tips For Harmonizing Your Work Station And Office Chair

Sitting for long hours at work can be hazardous to your health. A great solution for that is alternating standing and sitting when in the office. Also, while seated, make sure you keep good posture and everything you can to ensure the least strain on your spine.

Although office works chairs are designed to help avoid back problems, there are other things that only you can do to promote a good posture and provide less stress to your lower back. Here are few tips that will help you harmonize your work station and your office chair.


Check your posture:

With your hands rested on the desk and the arms parallel to your spine, try sitting as close as possible to your desk. Your elbows and legs should be at 90-degree angle. This is the ideal sitting posture.


Pay attention to the height of your office chair:

People who work in an office, often deal with swollen ankles at the end of the working day. Sitting in a office chair that is too high can increase the chances of the ankle swelling. The ideal seat height ranges from 40 cm to 50 cm from the ground. This height tends to suit most workers.

If necessary, boost your feet:

If your chair or desk is too high for you, and that is causing you to have to lift your feet off the ground, consider using a footstool to support and rest your feet instead of leaving them hanging all day long.

Support your back:

Although back support is the main focus of many office works chairs, it is important to know what really makes a chair good in terms of back support. Ideally, office works chairs should provide back support angling up to 90 degrees and include cushioning that impulses your back forward when sitting in the chair. Low back support is also important as it prevents slouch and minimizes the load on your back.


Put close attention to your posture:

Even though workers usually have good office works chairs that provide all the necessary support, many don’t take the advantage of these features. That’s because they tend to sit on the edge of the chair. Do a favour to yourself and press your bottom against the back of the chair. This will avoid slumping or slouching which causes extra stress on your lower back.

Adjust your armrest:

Armrest is a very important feature of an office work chair. It helps reduce neck and shoulder strain and diminishes the chances of slouching forward in your chair. Adjust your chair armrest in a way so your arms are slightly lifted at the shoulders.