
Our Tips for Insuring Safety with your Enclosure Choices

Safety should definitely be the number one priority in every home and working environment, especially when it comes to shelving and installing an electrical device. Primarily because you do not want to put your family, colleagues or employees at risk just because you chose the incorrect plastic enclosure to house particular device.

However, even despite the good intentions to keep the home or workplace safe, many people are still unaware of the safety procedures and precautions when it comes to choosing the right electrical enclosure for electrical devices. For that purpose, we offer you some useful tips on how to choose the appropriate enclosure to make sure you and your environment are safe.


Before buying an electrical enclosure, take the time to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How heavy is the electrical device?

    Before buying an electrical enclosure, it is of utmost importance that you know the weight of the device. Enclosures have maximum weight limits that they can support, and usually, the perfect fit does not necessarily mean that it is the right enclosure. You must know how many components will be installed in the enclosure as well as where it will be installed after enclosing the device.

  2. Where will the device be installed?

    This question is closely related to the first one. An enclosure with a wall mount is necessary if you install it against a cabinet or a wall, or a ceiling mount if it will be placed on a ceiling. Beside this, you should also know the perils of the surrounding environment that have a potential to damage the plastic enclosure together with the device inside it. If you need to install it outdoors, you should buy an electrical enclosure made from weather-proof material.

  3. What device will be installed in the plastic enclosure?

    Besides knowing where and what kind of environment the enclosure will be exposed to, you also need to know the type of the electrical device that will be installed in it. This is important because choosing the right electrical enclosure can lengthen the lifespan of your device. Plus, the right device for a certain enclosure can also lengthen the lifespan of the enclosure. Finally, this ensures a safe environment with no potential dangers.

  4. Do you need modifications?

    This is something you should consider doing because having modifications on your enclosure ensures the perfect fit of your device for the enclosure. For instance, if your device needs a slot for switches but the plastic enclosure which is ideal for that certain device does not have any slots, you can have it modified.