Our Tips For Maintaining Mobile Crane Transmissions

Our Tips For Maintaining Mobile Crane Transmissions

Every machine needs to be well maintained for long lasting usage and for most optimal performance. The mobile crane is no exception. If you follow the manufacturer service intervals, you will keep the machine running for a long time. Transmission is one of the main parts of a mobile crane that needs to be maintained on a regular basis. In order to not only avoid expensive repairs, maintaining mobile crane transmission will also prolong the life of the mobile crane and will keep the workers safe when operating with this machine. Poor transmission maintenance will cause the mobile crane to brake down during the work. Take preventive measures on time and properly maintain the mobile crane transmission.


Step 1 – Not following the service schedule will cause transmission failures and costly repairs. Since your project depends heavily on the mobile crane, you need to properly change and refill the fluids and filter oil according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Step 2 – Another important step for keeping the mobile crane transmission in good condition is to check the fluid level. The transmission fluid is responsible for the creation of the hydraulic power, so it is important to keep the level balanced. If you put fluid in the mobile crane transmission less than needed, the torque converter, bushings, bearings and clutches will not be able to receive the proper amount of oil. If you add too much, it can result in overheating.

Step 3 – As already stated, the mobile crane transmission is essential for keeping the whole machine working properly and because of this, it is important to check regularly for leaks. Leaks can lead to expensive repairs, therefore you need to check the external oil cooler or the power take-off points.


Step 4 – Make sure the mobile crane transmission is free from contaminants. Contaminants have negative impact on the bushings and roller bearings. Cleaning the mobile crane transmission regularly is important for preventing contaminants and harmful materials from damaging the machine.

Step 5 – It is recommended to inspect the mobile crane transmission filter, oil cooler, and drive-shaft components every 40,000 kilometers.

Step 6 – Incorrect torque of the bolts can also cause mobile crane transmission failures. If not properly tightened, the transmission of the mobile crane might need to be replaced, or in some cases removed.

Step 7 – It is important to frequently inspect the mobile crane parts and transmission. Such inspections can identify causes for future repairs, and help identify the problem on time. One of the things you need to do in order to keep the mobile crane transmission going, is to check the electronics and wiring harnesses.