Our Tips On How To Use Almond Oil

Our Tips On How To Use Almond Oil

When it comes to almond oil, you probably have heard that it is a powerful antioxidant that moisturizes the skin and boosts hair growth. Due to the high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamin E and magnesium, almond oil is one of the most powerful natural products. There are few ways to use almond oil and boost your health.

Almond Oil

Facial Moisturizer – Instead of using soap and other harsh beauty products you can use almond oil to clean your skin naturally. Since almond oil is rich with vitamin A, E and B6, it nourishes the skin without irritating it. You can make your own face scrub and apply it to your face in order to clean pores and repair the damaged skin. If you want to make your own mask, put some raw almonds in water for few hours, dry and ground them in a blender. You can add some milk or yogurt to make a paste and then use it as a facial scrub.

Hair Conditioner – If you want to make your hair looking healthy and shinny, use almond oil. By applying few drops on the scalp and massaging for few minutes, you will boost hair health and promote hair growth. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water to thoroughly wash the oil. You can use the same treatment on your remy hair extensions to ensure they last longer.

Medical Uses – You would be surprised to find out how almond oil can help you solve some healthy problems. If you have been exercising a lot lately and you have muscular pain, then you should take two tablespoons of almond oil twice a day to relieve the pain. You can also use almond oil to boost your digestion system by consuming two tablespoons a day, but for not more than a week.

Flawless And Spot-Free Face – Many people complain of dark spots on their face and have tried many products in order to solve this problem. Almond oil can help get rid of the spots without using chemical products that only irritate your skin. What you need to do in order to have a flawless and spot-free face is to mix 2-3 vitamin E capsules with almond oil and apply the mixture to your face before going to bed every night. You’d be amazed with the final results.