Our Tips for Improving Your Holden’s Interior

Our Tips for Improving Your Holden’s Interior

If you own your Holden, you’re in the position to make any changes you like to it without stressing about what the finance company will think. This leaves you with a lot of room for customisation, no matter whether you want to fit an aftermarket roof rack, install a bull bar, or completely revamp the interior to make your Holden truly yours. Interior upgrades are typically minor and affordable, yet play the biggest role in personalising your Holden. So if that’s something you’ve contemplated for a long time, but just didn’t get around to doing, there are a couple of things you need to consider.

Our Tips for Training a Puppy Using a Dog Playpen

Our Tips for Training a Puppy Using a Dog Playpen

A new puppy is a lovely addition to your family. Lovable and affectionate, they can fill your life with joy and happiness. Besides being cute and playful, bringing a new puppy home can be stressful and messy, both for you and your pup. A little training can ease the whole welcoming process. As most experts usually recommend crate training, many pup parents aren’t familiar with the concept of training using a playpen. Are dog playpens safe, and what are some of the advantages of using one? Read on to learn how to successfully train your beloved pup using a playpen.

led light bar

Our Tips on How to Choose Auto Light Bars

With newer tech and more affordable prices, automotive light bars are no longer a specialty product reserved for the lucky few. There are more options than ever before and something that will be right for your vehicle. Consider getting a car light bar if you’re often driving on poorly-lit country roads, doing the rounds with mates on off-roading trails, or using your vehicle for work purposes at night.

bamboo bed sheets in beige

Better Sleep Tips: Here’s Why You Switch to Bamboo Bed Sheets

We all understand the importance of sleep and how it impacts our mood when we don’t get enough. When I spend a night tossing and turning, I know what to expect for the next day – tiredness, irritation and lack of energy to complete my daily tasks.

As a sleep apnea sufferer, I’ve struggled a great part of my life with sleep problems, and still do. But through trial and error, I’ve discovered some easy things that helped improve my bedtime routine and made falling asleep at night easier. Switching from standard organic cotton sheets to bamboo bedding was one of the things that made a tremendous impact on my sleep. The bamboo fabric sheets not only made me look forward to getting into bed more, but they also helped me sleep better throughout the night.

Faux Greenery Wall

Nature Inspired Décor: Our Tips for Creating a Faux Greenery Wall

Humans have a hardwired desire to belong in nature. This explains the fact why we feel entirely refreshed after a 10-minute walk in the park or a 5-minute coffee break in the garden. We find green surroundings highly relaxing. Yet, our busy lifestyles prevent us from spending time in nature as much as we like. In a desperate attempt to reconnect with our roots, we started incorporating nature into our homes.