Lilly Pilly

Our Tips for Making Use of the Versatile Lilly Pilly Plant in Your Home

Century after century, people have always loved marvelling at the beauties and scents of flowers and herbs, finding their usefulness in decoration and meals. Therefore, the excitement that one gets from having a garden is certainly not a recent thing but we might as well say it’s an ancient trend that never goes out of fashion. You can see the importance of a garden by comparing it with a decorative vase in your living room – it affects the area as a whole. No matter how much of outdoor space you have at your disposal, either small or big, it can be used to plant your own greenery.

Lilly Pilly

Australian Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Trees: Be One with Nature in Your Own Backyard

Trees have occupied our planet for millions of years, long before humanity came along. They have provided life’s essentials such as food, shelter, and oxygen for many of the Earth’s species including us humans. Trees are a vital part of our delicate Eco-system and they play a great role in keeping our planet able to sustain life. Trees are also a great way to beautify our environment, especially deciduous trees. As the seasons change, deciduous trees display an astonishing pallet of colours and you can whiteness a whole life and death cycle within a year.

Australian Deciduous Trees