Skateboarding is an activity that teaches you not to give up after you fail since it involves some falling and getting back up. And because of that – regardless of your age and your physical condition, when buying skateboarding supplies, along with your first skateboard, protective gear should be right up there on the list.
Skateboarding is a beautiful, creative, fun and healthy sport. It’s a great activity for people of all generations. It offers a fun way for kids to develop their motor skills and their cognitive skills, and it comes with a range of physical and mental health benefits. It’s extremely loved by teenagers, which is great because it’s good for them and it’s even a good option for adults.
This sport is also very versatile, with different styles of skating, and it can also be a great means of transportation. And, those possible falls while you are learning, shouldn’t discourage you to try it out. Instead, you should simply get properly prepared.
Protect Your Legs and Arms

It’s quite obvious how knees can suffer damages during skateboarding. In fact, knee injuries are one of the most common skateboard-related issues. This is why you should be able to rely on your knee pad to protect you from any possible falls. These pieces are vital for people who skate downhill or ramps, and they are especially important for beginners. But even if it doesn’t look too cool to wear knee pads for skateboarding, you should always put safety first.
It’s incredible how something as simple as a knee pad can save you from a world of pain and suffering. You just attach them to your knee with adjustable fasteners (generally Velcro) and the fasteners go around the back of your knee. The cap of the knee pad is made from foam or hard plastic shell and it is what would essentially protect your knee, by absorbing the force and shielding it from the impact.
You can buy a pair of skateboard knee pads separately or you can find a pads combo – a set of pads with knee, elbow pads and wrist guards. However, there are some things you should keep in mind. First of all, like with everything, quality often costs more, but when it comes to your protection, quality is certainly what you are looking for, to ensure resistance, durability and reliability.
Look for superior pads with good finish and stitching, and good design. Nevertheless, you don’t need to go for the most expensive option right away, especially if you are still learning to stand on your skateboard. Just go for the best quality for your budget. Furthermore, you should make sure that your knee pads fit well without restricting your range of motion. Not only would an ill-fitted knee pad be uncomfortable, but if it limits how much you can bend your knee, it can even be dangerous.
Like knees, the joints on your arms can suffer injuries while skateboarding as well. To protect your elbows and wrists, you should invest in elbow pads and wrists guards. If you are a beginner the best and easiest option for finding good pads and guards, is to buy a set of all three – knee and elbow pads and wrist guards.
Protect Your Head With a Helmet

Helmets are essential pieces of protective gear for any activity that involves going fast, the possibility of falling, or the possibility of something falling on your head. So, it’s not a surprise that for skateboarding, like for riding a bicycle or a motorcycle, a helmet is a must-have safety accessory. Like with knee or elbow pads, it can be hard to get used to wearing them, but it’s important that you do, every time you go out skateboarding. Of course, kids and teens may find it uncool to wear them, so you may have to find a way to make sure they don’t leave the house without them.
When choosing a helmet, aside from making sure it’s made of reliable, quality materials, you should also make sure that it is the right fit. Sizes often vary from brand to brand, so you should always look at the sizing charts, take the needed measurements and follow the instructions of the website if you are buying online.
A skateboard helmet that fits well shouldn’t sit too high or too low on your head. You should be able to see everything side-to-side and in front of you. The side straps should make a “V” shape under your ears, and the chin strap should be centred under your chin and fit snugly – leaving no more than one or two fingers between the strap and the chin.
Stay Comfy in the Right Skate Shoes
Good shoes are part of the safety gear in every sport. Our feet need to withstand the force of all of our movements and the weight and pressure of our body’s weight. This is why you should learn how to choose the right skate shoes for you. Your skate shoes should not only look great and meet your style criteria, but they should also be durable, reliable and most importantly, well fitted.