Many parents today turn to computers, tablets and other electronic devices as a means to keep their kids entertained and occupied. There’s no cleanup, and kids can remain quiet for hours on end as you do the dishes, wipe the dust and even have some time for yourself. Sounds like a fairytale, right?
Equipping your motorhome or caravan with all the 12V accessories you can fit on it can make your outdoor experience much more comfortable and convenient. In the past, 12 volt…
If you’ve noticed that your windshield washer liquid is running out quicker than usual, or if you notice fluid puddling below your car, chances are your reservoir is cracked and it’s time to get a new one. A windshield washer tank isn’t something you think about very often. In fact, you probably only ever pay any attention to it when replacing your windshield washer fluid. But now that you need to replace it, you might as well learn how to do it yourself, and what you need to know when buying a brand new windshield washer tank with pump.
Buying a windshield washer tank with pump is relatively easy – all you need to do is buy one that fits your vehicle. Replacing the old with a new one can be done in less than an hour, as long as you have everything you need, which is eye protection, a wrench, your manufacturer’s owner’s manual, and the new windshield washer tank.
Being a proud owner of a 4×4 doesn’t mean that you have to keep your vehicle as close as possible to the condition that you bought it in, but rather to keep upgrading it until it outperforms current generations (if possible). The majority of the population that owns a 4×4 vehicle hasn’t even considered getting an aftermarket 4wd exhaust just because they already have one. But what they don’t know is that aftermarket parts have more to offer than OEM as they are not made to just fit the vehicle but enhance its abilities as well. Because of this particular reason, in today’s blog post, I’m going to go through the advantages that a 4wd exhaust will give your off-roader. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.