Our Tips for Buying CPAP Machines

Our Tips for Buying CPAP Machines

If you’re suffering from a breathing disorder like OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea), you’ve probably heard that one of the most effective solutions for it is using a CPAP machine. But buying your very own CPAP machine can be quite daunting – there are hundreds of different models available, so picking the most suitable one that you can trust with your life is no easy task. In order to make sure you get the best CPAP machine your money can buy, it’s important to take a few factors into consideration.

cpap machine
Source: Bittner Dental Clinic
Our Tips for Using Nasal Masks for CPAP Therapy & Their Benefits

Our Tips for Using Nasal Masks for CPAP Therapy & Their Benefits

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder where the upper airways get obstructed, leading to an intermittent stopping of breathing during sleep. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy (CPAP) is a common treatment for this condition. It involves the use of a CPAP mask which is connected to a small machine that pumps air into the user’s airway. One of the most important parts of the treatment is finding the right mask. In fact, being able to find a mask that is comfortable and has a good seal can make a great difference in how likely you are to succeed with CPAP therapy.

obstructive sleep apnea snoring
Source: Intermountain Healthcare