Our Tips for Choosing the Right TV Unit for Your Living Space

Our Tips for Choosing the Right TV Unit for Your Living Space

Like any other space in your home, a clutter-free living room equals a stress-free place where you can easily relax and lounge after a long day at work. When your living space is organised at any time, cleaning becomes a breeze, and weekend gatherings with your friends and family—a frequent practice.

Even if you’re not that organised, decluttering isn’t hard; you just need the right storage unit pieces to store everything you can’t find a place for. For your living room, it’s the TV unit in a modern style–the tallboy to your entry, the wardrobe to your bedroom, the Romeo to your Juliet in the organising world of mess-free spaces where chaos doesn’t have a say.


Tips on Increasing the Home’s Value by Adding Curb Appeal

Though we like to think there are exceptions to it, first impression matters a great deal; it is so with our appearance, and it is so with the appearance of our homes too. A lot can be said about the owner based on what the home looks like on the outside, which is why there’s no doubt the exterior décor is just as important as the interior. Adding curb appeal to your home is just the thing you need, and here are some tips on how to do it.


A Few Tips on How to Buy Chairs That Will Define Your Dining Space

Though the dining room is often overlooked in modern homes, be it out of not having enough space to create one so it’s blended in with the kitchen, or because of not having enough time to actually use the area for what it is intended for. One thing is for sure, the dining room has had a significant part in the home, and will always have, as it doesn’t only serve for breakfast, or dinner, but other occasions as well, like parties and game nights.


Tips for Creating a Comfortable Home by Adding Layers of Variation

Ah, home sweet home. No matter how much of a wanderlust mood we’re in, resorting to escapism and seeing new sights, there’s always that one place we long to go back to. As much as the reason for the need to embark on journeys lies in having busy lifestyles that are mainly sedentary, it also has to do with needing a change of scenery other than seeing that same old same old at home. In this case, how does one create such interior comfort that will make it difficult to grow tired of? The answer is simple – instead of a one dimensional (and rather monotonous) home décor, add variation by layers of texture. Mind you, there’s a fine line between aesthetics and clutter. Creating layers doesn’t mean stacking up piles of just about anything and everything that comes at hand, but creating depth by use of decorating elements. Here are some of our tips to guide you through so you don’t feel lost in all the layers and textures.
